Monday, 31 December 2012

New year, new start!

Hello everyone!
As 2012 ends and 2013 begins I thought i would share my new year resolutions and what i hope for the new year.
I know this isn't what i usually post but i want my blog to have aspects of my life as well, i hope maybe my resolutions may inspire you and we can take on the year together.

In previous years i have always made new years resolutions and never stuck to them or completed them. I think last year was to keep my room tidy and as i am sat here now surrounded by the mess of my room, i don't feel to positive for the new year. But maybe posting them here will pursued me to keep at least some of them.
What i will do in 2013:
♥ Decorate my room to the way I want it, I have never been completely happy will my room there has always been something i want to change or something i want to do. So i really want to save my moolah and decorate and design my room to the way i want.
Keep my room tidy, it actually sometimes depresses me when my room is messy, but as hard as i try i can never keep it tidy, mainly due to my laziness and also to the fact that i don't like the way it looks (and i know its a stupid reason).
Read more, i don't often have time to pick up a book and have a good read but when i do i really enjoy it, i find it a good way to relax and when i get a good book it makes it 10x better.
 ♥ Feel confident with my body, this is probably on most peoples list this year, whether it is to lose or gain weight it will most likely be there and the majority of the time its that one resolution that is the hardest out of most of them, but i just want to feel more confident in my skin as i never really have been, so good luck to me!
♥ Drink more water and eat more healthy, i know this is kinda similar to the last one, but this year i really want to be more healthy and drink more fluids as drinking more water helps your skin, nails and hair. So its an all round wonder and i just want to eat more healthy in general like eating more fruit and veg and less high in sugar foods and drinks. I really also want to try and drink only water with the occasional Pepsi max because i don't like many fizzy drinks and i only like Pepsi max (i don't like coke or diet coke or Pepsi, ONLY PEPSI MAX- glad we got that sorted!) oh and sprite, but they are the only fizzy drinks i like.
♥ Write a lot more blog posts, I know i only started my blog two months ago, but in the new year i defiantly want to write a lot more, because i really enjoy it and i hope you enjoy reading.

Friday, 28 December 2012

NOTD: Sally Hansen - 01 Radiant

Hello Everyone,
Today I have another nail of the day, since i like doing these as i have a above average amount of nail polish. I wore this nail polish on Christmas day, just because i think it is really christmassy (is that even a word?!). Its a medium, coral red with a shimmer and when it catches the light it is really nice. I applied 2 coats with no top coat and it lasted about a week with no chipping, i really the brand and consistency of these nail polishes and definitely want to try more. These nail polishes are really not that expensive, as i picked mine up at the pound store, but i think they are still only about £3 or £4 if you buy them from other places.
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Merry christmas everyone,
First of all i want to say that i hope you all had a wonderful christmas, or i hope you had a happy holiday if you don't celebrate christmas. I don't know about you but christmas seem to have come really quickly i can remember when it was 2 months and 9 days till christmas (yes, very precise). Today i thought i would show you what i got fro christmas as you can tell from the title. Anyways moving on i know christmas isnt about the present and that isnt what it is about but i hope you realise that im not trying to show off or brag about what i got, but i really like these kind of videos and posts, so i thought i would do one of my own.
I didn't really ask for much this year as i didn't need anything, but all the presents i got im really pleased and grateful for.
Back row..left to right.. Taylor Swift Wonderstruck Perfume

LUSH Christmas Candy Box
Miranda Hart "Is It Just Me?" biography
Outnumbered series 1-4 box set
Middle row..left to right.. Bath&Body Works Body Mist
Winter Candy Apple
Vinalla Bean Noel
Carried Away 

                                LUSH CHRISTMAS CANDY BOX - Snow Fairy Shower Gel
                                                                         Rock Star Soap
                                                                         Popcorn Lip Scrub
                                                                         Candy Mountain Bubble Bar
                                                                         Butterball Bath Bomb
                                left to right.. MAC Blush in Dollymix
                                               MAC Lipstick in Lustering
                                               KORRES Lip Butter in Wild Rose
                                MAC Blush in Dollymix

These are just some things i got from my parents and grandparents from the rest of my family i mostly got money and chocolate.
I also got some other things i forgot to photograph, so i am sorry about that, but i hope you enjoyed and had an amazing christmas or holiday.



Monday, 24 December 2012

Haul: Boots

Hello Everyone,
Yesterday, i did some last minute shopping for friends and family and i got a couple of things from Boots for myself, so i thought i would show you.
(sorry for the awful picture) 
  • Revlon Colorstay Foundation (110 Ivory) - Ive been meaning to pick up a new foundation for ages, but i don't wear it everyday so it isn't a necessity. Anyway i was looking through boots and i noticed this one. Ive heard about this foundation a lot on youtube so i thought i would try it. It was quite expensive at £12.49.
  • Real Techniques Expert Face Brush - I bought this brush because I've also heard so much bout these brushes on youtube and I've been wanted to get new brushes fro a while so i thought i would try one out. It was £9.99
  • Spotty Cosmetics Bag - I think this little make-up bag is really cute and it is perfect for my everyday make-up, as i have one of those oh so famous 10 drawer organisers (i got mine from amazon) that stores all my make-up but i found it easier to put my everyday make-up all in one place. The bag is made by boots and i think it was £5.
Hope you enjoyed!

Friday, 21 December 2012

Review: Garnier Fresh Essentials Eye Makeup Remover

Hello Everyone,
A while ago a purchsed the Garnier fresh essentials eye makeup remover just because I ran out of my No7 cleanse and care one, and as its quite exspensive at about £9 (i normally buy it on the boots No7 £5 off vouhers) i thought i would try a cheaper option and i ended up loving it. As it is a liquid eye mkeup remover it does leave residue on your skin for a while, so i dont recommend using it before applying makeup.However it make my eyes feel refreshed after using and when i wake up in the morning as it does contain grape water which soothes the skin, but it doesnt make my eyelids oily or dry or anythings. But i use this at night to remove my waterproof mascara or anyother eye makeup and it gets it off so quick after a couple of swipes. It says that it is sutitable for sensitive eyes, but i dont know how true that is as i dont have sensitive eyes. This is my second bottle of this little wonder and it will probably be a product i will keep purchsing. I dont think it is better than the No7 Cleanse and Care one, but it is pretty close, as it is much cheaper, not oily and is really nice on the skin.

Monday, 17 December 2012

12 Question of Christmas....❄☃

Hello Everyone,
So Christmas is on its way and i thought it would be quite interesting to answer some question about it, Since there are many tags out there, but none that really liked, so i just took questions from different ones and put them together!

1. When do you start getting excited about Christmas?
Normally, i get excited around October/November time, when it starts getting colder and when all the Christmas adverts come on TV and shops are filled with Christmas stuff.
2. When do you put up your Christmas decorations?
We normally put our decorations up on the first weekend in December, but if it was up to me they would be up much earlier.
3. What do you love most about Christmas?
The fact that i get to spend time with the family i don't see much any other time of the year, also i love the leading up to Christmas with decorations, music and snow. But mostly celebrating Jesus and all he gave us.
4. Do you have any traditions?
Not so much anymore, we had more when we were little like putting the mince pie and carrots out from Santa and his reindeer's. I also when me and my brother would go into each others rooms and plan Christmas morning over and over. Another tradition is that my family always watch Home Alone 1&2 on Christmas eve.
5. What is your favourite Christmas song?
I really like All i want for Christmas is you by Mirah Carey and Mistletoe by Justin Bieber.
6. Favourite Christmas movie?
I really love Disney's Christmas Carol, i went to see it in the cinema a few years ago and have watched ever year since. I also love Home Alone 1&2
7. Favourite Christmas nail polish?
I really love No7 Stay Perfect Nail Polish in Totally Teal!
8. Favourite Holiday Food?
I love Terry's Chocolate Orange at Christmas time, as i only ever really eat them at Christmas and i always get one at Christmas. Also I love eating Christmas Dinner, of course!
9. Favourite Holiday Drink?
I love peppermint hot chocolate during the cold months.
10. Is your tree real or fake?
We have a fake tree, as a couple of years ago we had a real tree and it was just disastrous so we've had a fake one ever since.
11. Are you on the Naughty or Nice list?
I'm hopefully on the nice list.
12.Have you ever had a White Christmas?
Yes, many Christmas' have been a white one. Which I love to wake up to snow on christmas, it;s just so beautiful and makes me feel happy. 
Thanks for reading!


Sunday, 16 December 2012

Top 4 Winter Must Haves

Hello Everyone,
I don't know about you, but I don't cope with the harsh winter I thought I would show you my winter beauty essentials!
Product #1Clean&Clear Dual Action Moisturiser...a moisturiser in the winter is a absolute must, as my skin gets so dry. I especially like the clean&clear one as it is really moisturising and not that expensive. 
Product #2 - EOS Lip Balm (Sweet mint - Green, Strawberry Sorbet - Pink) in the winter my lips get chapped and they only really get chapped in winter, I really like these lip balms because they smell and taste really good and are really moisturising.
Product #3 - Sleek Blusher (Pomegranate) this blush is perfect for winter as it gives your cheeks a really pretty flush of pink. This blush is really pigmented and is really bLendable.
Product #4 - No7 Stay Perfect Nail Polish (Totally Teal) I love this nail polish as it is a perfect colour for winter as it is a dark green/teal colour that is like a Christmas tree. The consistency is really good and the colour is really good and only need 1-2 coats depending on how dark you want the colour!

Saturday, 1 December 2012

NOTD: Exposed - Force 9

Hello Everyone,
Today I thought I would do another nail of the day, so I bought this nail polish when I was on holiday in the Summer, and since its a dark, navy blue. I didn't really wear it and it soon got forgotten! I recently was clearing out my nail polish (which was a heck of a task - as I have a problem, I am a nailpolish-o-holic) and I found this little beautie!
The consistency of this nail polish is really nice, you get great pigmentation with just one coat, and it last a reasonable amount of time if you apply a top coat. Its on the cheaper side of nail polishes, I think it retails for about £4.
Thanks for reading!

Friday, 30 November 2012

Current Favourites | November 2012

Hello Everyone,
Today I thought it would participate in the monthly favorites, since November is almost over, which i'm very happy about since that means its almost CHRISTMAS!! I love love these types of posts and videos, so i thought i would do one of my own.

Soap&Glory Hand Food
This is one of the best hand creams I have ever used, and as its getting colder my hands get super dry, so this is a life saver. Its smells amazing like all of the other Soap&Glory products. Its not at all greasy and has a thick consistency.
RRP - £5

No7 Cleanse and Care Eye Makeup Remover
I absolutely love this eye makeup remover as it get all of my eye makeup in one swipe - It removes waterproof mascara really easy. It is also states that it is suitable to for all skin types.This product is a little on the expensive price, but I purchased mine during the £5 off vouchers at Boots.
RRP - £9

VO5 Curls and Waves Styling Mousse
I have been loving this product for a while now, but recently I have been leaving my hair natural and as my hair is wavy this really helps keep it nice and not frizzy, and just keep any wispy bits at bay. It also smells really good.
RRP - £

No7 Nail Polish - Totally Teal
I absolutely love this nail polish for christmas as its is a dark green/teal colour, which i love for this time of year. The consistency is really good and has a really good colour pay off. I also bought this with one of the £5 voucher.
RRP - £5.50

Maybelline One by One Mascara

I have to say this is one of the best mascara's i have tried, i like it even more than the falsies one. I love the formula of the mascara as it separates my lashes really nicely. I also love the fact that it has a plastic wand. As i prefer them to the brush ones. 
RRP - £8.49

ELF Blush - Twinkle Pink

This blush is the perfect everyday shade, its a baby-ish pink with gold specks of glitter, the pigmentation is good and it lasts all day. The packaging is nice, not the best quality. 
RRP - £3.75

Miss Sporty Hollywood Lip gloss - Paparazzi
I love the colour of this lip gloss, its dark bright pink with shimmer, its smells really nice - which is always a bonus. I bought this a while ago and i couldn't find a link on the boots website, But i'm sure you could find it in the Boots store near you.
RRP - About £3

Extra Fruit Sensations - Sweet Tropical
This is my non-beauty favorite of the month, this chewing gum tastes so good, its tastes like pineapple, mango and all that good stuff. I have been literally addicted, but i've not seen it in English stores, i bought mine from a store that sold American 'candy'.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

DIY - Lip Scrub

Hello Everyone,
Now that the cold, rainy weather is amongst us (here in Britain, anyways!) I find that my lips get more and more chapped, that sometimes a lip balm won't cut it! So i really like to us a lip scrub! There are many on the market reay to be bought, like the LUSH ones which seems to be a popular chose, however i have never bought it, as i cant pay the £4.95 for such little product! I know £5 isnt that much when you think about it, but when i can make it myself for next to nothing, i cant seem to part with my moolah. So i thought i would tell you how i make mine.

What you will need:
Sugar - Brown or White
Vaseline or any kind of Petroleum Jelly
Olive Oil
Honey or Golden Syrup (Normally, you would use Honey but i prefer Golden Syrup)
A small-ish Container
A small mixing bowl
A spoon
Method:1. First, make sure you have cleaned out you container and then take about a tea spoon (depending on the size of your container and how much you want) of petroluem jelly and place it into you mixing bowl and add about the same amount of sugar.
2. Add about a teaspoon of olive oil and mix with the sugar and petroluem jelly
3. Add in either your golden syrup or honey - this step is optional.
4. Scoop your lip scrub into your container.
5 Place you lip scrub into the fridge for it too set.
This is the final product, i think it turned out pretty good. It makes my lips super soft and definatly will help during these cold, winter months.

I hope this was helpful and thanks for reading.         

Saturday, 17 November 2012

About Me!

Hello everyone,
So since I am new to the whole blogging world I thought I would answer some questions about me so you can get to know me better. I just picked some random question that I thought would be fun to answer.
How old are you?
I'm 14; my birthday is on the 9th May
Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have one brother; he's a year older than me.
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a rescue dog (German Shepard crossed with a Labrador, we think!) His name is Jess - yes, he is a boy! I also used to have 4 guinea pigs called Woody, Jessie, Jasmine and Fluffy.
Why did you create your blog?
I created my blog because of my obsession with makeup and fashion, like most teenage girls. I have read blogs and watched YouTube videos about beauty since I was about 12 and it seemed really fun so I decided I wanted to make one of my own. I started with a blog because it appealed to me more, even though I hate English (and writing!) it is my worst subject I thought it would help me more with that.
What did you take for your GCSE's?
German, History, Geography and Health&Social Care
If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
I would either want to live in Scarborough, Woolacombe or America.
Do you have any phobias?
Maggots, mealworms anything of their sort. I don't know why I have a phobia of them; they just seem to really creep me out. I can't stand the things, they make me want to cringe writing about them.
I also don't like prawn/shrimps, my friend was eating them once and they just made me cringe and wanted to scream. It’s like the feeling you get when someone scratches their fingers down a chalkboard.
What's your ethnicity?
I wish i could say i was half Spanish or half German, but unfortunately i can't, I’m just British.
What/who inspires you?
A lot of people inspire me for many different things.
If you could change anything in you life, would you change something and why?
I don't think i would change anything as I am pretty happy with my life and the way it has turned out and the way it is happening. I think the things that happen in your life form the person you are later on. I try and learn from my mistakes and always find the positive in the negative. Ok, at first i admit, i feel sorry for myself and sad like everyone else but after i have gotten over it abit i try and find that positive.
Favourite TV shows?
I have so many...I really like comedy show like Miranda, Russel Howard's Good News, Inbetweeners. I also really like Waterloo Road, Friends, Everybody loves Raymond, According to Jim etc. When i was younger I used to love Tracy Beaker and Zoey 101 they were all I ever watched.
If you could meet any celebrity who would you want to meet?
I would really want to meet Taylor Swift or Miranda Hart.
Have you met any celebrity's?
Not really, I have met the chuckle brothers (if they count??) twice and got their autographs. I also saw Joe Maw who is off Tracy Beaker Returns (in Scarborough during the Family Fun Run thing!) But that’s it!
Do you have any obsessions? is quite a big obsession of mine. I also used to love stationary when i was younger. Also when I was younger I used to be obsessed with Selena Gomez.
Favourite musician/band?
I have quite a weird music taste, I don’t really like the mainstream stuff, some of it is alright but I don’t really like the majority of the stuff. I really like The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Hinder, Hot Chelle Rae, Blink 182, Sum41 etc.
Favourite season/time of year?
I really like the winter time because I like the fashion and all the festivities and everyone seems so much happier. Also we often get time off school due to snow which is always fun.
Favourite makeup brand?
For high end makeup I really like MAC, but i only own a couple of their things as it is so expensive. But i think the quality of their stuff is really good. For drugstore I really like Rimmel (because it is affordable and they have some really great quality stuff) and Bourjois (even though it is quite expensive for drugstore there stuff never fails to impress me!)
Favourite Store?
Well this one is hard...i really like primark and newlook.
Favourite Nail Polish Brand?
I really like China Glaze as they have a great range of colours and isn't too expensive. I also really like Barry M because the quality of their nail polishes for the price of them is insanely good.
When did you start wearing makeup?
About a year when I was around 13.
Do you wear makeup on a daily basis?
No, I don't wear makeup every day, it depends on my skin and what I’m doing that day. I sometimes just wear powder and maybe a bit or mascara and lip gloss to school.
If you could only wear one makeup product for the rest of your life what would it be?
I would probably chose foundation, even though I don't wear it on a daily basis. When i do it makes me feel more confident and feel better about my skin.


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

NOTD: China Glaze - High Maintenance

Hello everyone,
So recently I have purchased High Maintenance from China Glaze and I thought I would do a NOTD as I have been loving it so much. China Glaze have been my favourite nail polish brand for a while now as I don’t think they are a reasonable price and they have great colour pay off, last a long time and have a really nice consistency. I think it is the perfect berry wine autumn red as its heading toward the darker red, almost a burgundy red. You can defiantly paint 2-3 layers to create a darker red. I normally wear about 2 coats as I think it creates a good shade of a medium toned red.
I purchased mine from Sally's for about £5.60.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Top 10 Makeup Products!

Hello everyone,
So for a while now i've wanted to start a blog and well today I was bored so I thought I might as well create one. The reason I want, and have created this blog is due to my love of make-up and everything to do with beauty. So I was sat infront of my computer looking for any ideas and I decided what better way to start of my blog than my top 10 favourite make-up products.
1. Naked 2 Palette
The reason I love this palette is due to the fact that you can create so many different natural looks and personally i prefer to sick to more neutral look rather that the bright, colourful more daring looks. It has 12 different shades of eyeshadows (foxy, half baked, bootycall, chopper, tease, snakebite, suspect, pistol, verve, YDK, busted and blackout) 3 of which are matt and the rest are shimmery. The actual product packaging is study and will protect the shadows from any falls. Inside there is a huge mirror which is super handy and it comes with a double sided brush which is perfect for shadow application.
RRP - £36
2. Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Power (003 Peach Glow)
A lot of people have said how good this powder is and at first i was abit specitical as it only cost £4, and i know price doesnt matter nowadays but could this product be as good as everyone says it is - yes, i absolutly love this powder! As powder is an essential for my make-up bag im always on the look out for good, affordable power that does its job and i found it! As i have patches of oily skin (around my nose, chin and sometimes forehead) i need a powder to help my make-up last longer and help keep the oli and shine at bay; espicially in the summer. I really love this powder, i am in shade 3.
RRP - £4
3. MAC Paint Pot (Bare Study)
This product is perfect for using either on its own or under eyeshadow as a base. I bought this product back in January and i use i nearly everyday and i have hardly made a dint. It is the perfect neutral champagne shade that has a hint of shimmer, at first it can be quite sheer but is buildable. The lasting power is great, it lasts all day long and helps other eyeshadows on top of it last all day as well, however if you have oily skin i would recommend wearing a primer underneath.
RRP - £14.50
4. Maybeline Falsies Waterproof Mascara (Black)
This mascara is one of the best i have ever used, i have always loved the maybeline mascaras and i have to say this is the best i have tried out of them. It has a 'spoon' like brush which grabs all the lashes. I always buy mascara's in waterproof as i you can not trust the english weather to give a sudden downpour and when it does rain i'd rather not have panda eyes and you deffinatly do not get panda eyes!   
RRP - £8
5. Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick by Kate Moss (19)
I have to say the Rimmel lasting finish lipsticks have always been I favourite of mine, but I espically love this one. I guess you could say it is my lip shade but better, it is highly pigmented and it has a nice consistency and doesn't try out your lips. The taste and smell is also nice as well as the packaging which is simple and black with a pink 'kate' signiture on the lid they also have the Rimmel crown logo on the lid like on the majoritie if not all of thier lipsticks.
RRP - £5.49
6. Maybelline Master Precise Liquid Eyeliner (Black)
This eyeliner is perfect for people who are just starting out with eyeliner or aren't so good at it(like me!). The eyeliner has a fine nib which is why I think it is good for beginners. As the nib is so thin it creates a perfect thin line, but can create a bigger and thicker line if you like. I think it is the perfect shade of black - not like some eyeliners which are grey-black.
RRP - £5 - 6

7. Barry M Blusher
I just absolutly love this blush, it may not be everybodys shade as it looks quite bright and daring the pigmentation of this blush is good, but if you apply it lightly and blend it out i think it is a perfect shade of blush and not as daring as it look in the pan. The packaging i think is really pretty and quite sturdy but the only problem is that it doesnt state the shade on the packaging which isnt that helpful - however i think it is in the shade rasberry after looking on the boots website. It comes with a mini blusher brush which i don't use but is alright for traveling.
RRP - £4.59
8. Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation (100 Ivory)
This foundation gives light to medium coverage and does have a shimmer which is visable in the bottle but once you have applied it to your skin it is un-noticable. They are meant to illuminate your skin and give it a radient glow (which it does!) The foundation has spf 15 which is always good so it protect your skin from harmful rays. I think the foundation is good for people who just want to cover up maybe a couble of blemish and the ocasional spot. I like it because i dont need too much coverage and this foundation gives me just the right amount.
RRP - £8.99
9. Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain (045 Romantic)
Revlon are well known for their lip products for being so great (and i have to agree). But i espicially like their balm stain as when you first apply it is a balm consistency which moisturisers your lips and after about hour it turns into more of a stain. It has a long staying power as it is like a stain and pigmentation. I think the colour is wearable as it is more of a toned down red rather than a bright in your face red. Im not a big fan of the smell it has a hint of mint, which i normally love the smell of mint - but this scent not so much.
RRP - £7.99
10. Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer (2)
I have always been on the search for my 'holy grail' concealer so when i heard about how great this concealer was i knew i had to try it out. The coverage it gives is great, after the first time i used it i knew i was gonna love it. The only downside is that it does only come in 3 shades so now im getting paler ready for winter the shade i have is becoming to dark but the lighter shade is far too orange. The concealer states it lasts for 16 hours but i dont ever wear my make-up for that long so i will never know! However it does last all day! It is perfect for covering under eye circles, blemishes anything you need or want to hide!
RRP - £4.19

P.S Sorry for the bad quality for the photos, i used a hitachi camera that does focus very well. Which is why some of the photos i got from the boots internet. Hopefully i will be getting a new camera soon, which will mean better quality photos and i can replace the photos taken from the internet and insert my own..