Monday, 4 February 2013

LUSH - Popcorn Lip Scrub

Hey everyone, how was your Monday?! Today i have a review on the Popcorn Lip Scrub from LUSH!
'Be a blockbuster success and have them queuing for the squeal. Coconut Oil, sugar and a buttery, caramel taste!'

So for Christmas i got a LUSH set from my Grandparents and one of the tings inside was the Popcorn Lip Scrub, normally this product is £5.25 (don't quote me on that!) which i think is a little over priced for a pot of  sugar and a few other ingredients. I do like this product i use it in the morning before i apply any other lip products and it does help my lips be more smooth, but i don't see much if a long term difference. I don't think i will repurchase it, but i will use this one up! I don't really like the taste, even though i love popcorn, but i've heard a lot about the bubblegum one.

Have you tried this product, what do you think of it?

Thanks for reading!


  1. I have the bubblegum one, they're so nice!

    1. I want to try the bubblegum one! Thanks for reading!xx
